Monday, January 5, 2009

From the Mouths of Babes

originally published Oct. 9, 2009 at aliasmichelle

So, should you worry when your 8-year-old starts a sentence with: "Mom, I don't mean this in a bad way, but ..."

My daughter, now nearly 10, has actually started a few sentences in such a way. I guess it's good that she's curious. She's also a cynical little thing. She may have been H.L. Mencken in a previous life.

That particular instance was, "Mom, I don't mean this in a bad way, but isn't it a little weird for a grownup to be playing on Webkinz World?"

This came the same day my son logged on to WW and said: "Mom, you didn't win me any money last night. Don't you know it's your job?"

Welcome to my damned if you do, damned if you don't life. I gently explained to my daughter that grownups like playing video games (at least that's what they were called back in the day) as much as kids. And while it may be a little unusual, I like to play games to clear my mind ... or better yet, to not have to think about anything at all ... And because I like to win.

In short, it's how I veg out.

I also explained to my son that winning him money on Webkinz world is not in the official Mom Job Description, however it is one of my special skills from which he benefits. He didn't buy it, so I'm off for some Color Storm. Or maybe Get Eleven Solitaire. After all, I've got a job to do, even if it's weird.

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