Monday, January 5, 2009

Separation of Church and State

Welcome to aliasmom, my offshoot of aliasmichelle.

I've been thinking for awhile about just having a kid-, family-, mom-centric blog -- a separation of church and state if you will.

After all, when it comes to my kids I try not to use words I wouldn't say in a church or other houses of worship. (Except when I get cut off in traffic and they slip out -- usually the "worst poop" as Josh calls it. "Mom, I know what you said." "Josh, what did I say? Spell it." "C-R-U-D" "Honey, if you think that's what I said, then that's what I said.")

And as you know, when it comes to my opinions on everything else, from bailouts to basketball to bears of the polar persuasion, I got plenty to state, church-worthy or not.

So I'm giving Separate a shot. Let me know what you think.

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