Monday, January 5, 2009

That's My Girl, part ii

Originally posted at aliasmichelle on Nov. 10, 2008

Lessons in DNA
We all -- and by all I mean my fellow females (and BTW, is that an oxymoron? fellow females) -- Anyway, we all have that Oh-My-God-I've-Become-My-Mother moment. Hopefully, someone else is driving at the time. Hopefully, we're not holding anything sharp. Hopefully, the moment passes.

Sometimes that moment comes looking in the mirror, finding a wrinkle or yet another gray hair. Often it comes when some particular sentence jettisons itself from your mouth, , usually starting with "If you don't cut that out I'll ...," "Wait 'til your father ... " or "Just wait until you have kids ..."

I think that moment came at least two decades too early for my daughter this week. I showed her the pictures posted here, one taken in 2004, the other in 1971.

All she could say was "Mom, put it away. That's really freakin' me out." At least she wasn't holding anything sharp.

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